Sinusoidal loading. P3= P1= 4. 4. +. •. W. 2. 1 g. W. • t1. Vc. • d l. P4= P2= 4. +. •. W. 2. 1 Types of oil piping joint. Ø5.5. 7.4. 2.5. 8. 15. M6x0.75P. M4x0.7P. PT 1/8 160 (3). 220 (4). 220 (4). 280 (4). 280 (4). 570 (6). 780 (7). 1,270 (9). 220 (4).
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PROMPT SHEET FOR COMPLETING DS-160 Kindly read the form and then fill with neatly . PERSONAL INFORMATION 1 Answer Surname (Enter your surname as per your passport) Given names (Enter first & middle names as per passport) Full name in Native Alphabet (Click 'Does Not Apply' button) Have you ever used other names (Complete if